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Business Financial Planning
Business Savings Did you know that your company can make savings and investments into life assurance savings plans as individuals can? In many ways these can be very tax efficient as they are taxed at 25% instead of 41% as for individuals. As these Life assurance...
Options for the Buy to Let Investor
Structuring a Buy to Let investment
A pension – the best investment money can buy!
Reward yourself with a pension! Your pension belongs to you and you alone. Avail of the power of compounding interest over time Average rate of return from equities is on average 6% p.a. In the longer term the power of compounding interest at this rate of...
Financial security on death or illness
Financial security on death or illness Many different things clamor for our attention – mortgage payments, car maintenance, ESB bills and so the list goes on. Death or illness can have a devastating impact on a family and are the primary reasons that families can...